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It is with great sadness that we announce the death of the outstanding Bulgarian scientist, Professor in Electrochemistry, Doctor of Chemical Sciences and Full Member (Academician) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, DETCHKO PAVLOV, who passed away on 25th of August 2017. 

With his incredible erudition, talent and devotion to science he created the Bulgarian “school” of lead-acid batteries that has gained world-wide fame and prestige. 

The mentor of several generations of electrochemists, one of the co-founders of the Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the author of emblematical scientific works … a bright personality full of kindness and humanity, he will be treasured in our memories forever.

Memorial speech for Acad. Detchko Pavlov

by Prof. Evelina Slavcheva, Director of IEES- BAS and Chairman of the General Assembly of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Bereaved family,
Bereaved colleagues and friends,

Today, we are all sad because we have to bid farewell to an honorable Bulgarian, a great scientist, a wise, noble-minded and loved Man – “our” academician Detchko Pavlov!

As a sign of reverence, respect and deep gratitude for everything built by him, let us, in this moment of grief, remember some of the key markers in his rich and dynamic personal and professional life.

  • Born on 9th of September 1930 in the village of Shipka;
  • In 1953, graduated the Higher Institute of Chemical Technology in Sofia and was appointed at the position of Assistant Professor at this Institute immediately after his graduation. It was there that he met his wife Svetla Raicheva and they shared the joys of life and their love to the electrochemical science. Today, on her birthday, they will meet again at a better place;
  • In 1961, joined the research team of the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, whose members were the founders of the Bulgarian electrochemical school;
  • In 1967, played an important role in the establishment of the Central Laboratory of Electrochemical Power Sources (CLEPS), currently Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems (IEES), as one of the co-founders and Deputy Director of this Institute for many years;
  • Created the Department of Lead-Acid Batteries, having gained world-wide fame and prestige, and was its Head for over 45 years;
  • Organized and managed the Materials Science Laboratory of IEES, equipped with unique for that time scientific tools and instruments, and maintained and upgraded the laboratory equipment in times of hardship for our Institute;
  •  “Father” of the LABAT conference – an international conference for science in the field of lead-acid batteries (unlike many other events with more commercial orientation), which has become an institution with its 30-decade history. Prof. Pavlov could not attend the last 10th anniversary edition of LABAT held in June of this year, but his name was heard throughout the conference venue and LABAT’2017 delegates sent him their sincerest wishes for fast recovery collected in a special get-well wishes book;
  • Recently, the prestigious scientific publishing house Elsevier issued the second edition of his book “Lead-Acid Batteries: Science and Technology”, his “swan song”, translated in Chinese language, too, and studied at many Universities world-wide.
  • He is worshipped in India and the specialty “Chemistry and technology of lead-acid batteries” is studied based on a lecture course presented by Acad. Pavlov in India, collected and published by SAEST, Karaikudi;
  • An outstanding Bulgarian electrochemist, professor and scientist of global recognition, to whom people came personally from Europe, USA, Japan, India, Iran, Israel, China and many more countries, with requests to help them solve various problems related to lead-acid batteries;
  • Full Member (Academician) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences since 1997;
  • Honoured with numerous national and international awards: Marin Drinov Medal, National Dimitrov Award, Cyril and Methodius Medal, Gaston Plante Medal, Pitagor Award, the prestigious Life-Time  Achievements Award of USA’s National Association of Advanced Transport Batteries, Life-Time Achievements Award of India Lead Zinc Development Association and of the Battery Society of India;
  • Mentor of several generations of electrochemists, he has left behind him numerous young and talented disciples; always thoughtful and guiding. He called his colleagues “my family” and was a real father – offering support to everybody in hard moments;
  • And more and more ….


An emblematic KIND personality, of incredible erudition, talent and life dedicated to science has left us.

Rest in peace, dear DETCHKO! You will always be with us!


Said by colleagues and friends about the death of Prof. Detchko Pavlov

Letter of condolence from D-r V. K. Aggarwal, the President of Federation of India Small Scale Battery Association​